music teacher

There are a lot to know, consider and even put in place by every teacher in order to be an efficient in teaching. This is especially true for a music teacher. How can you become a better music teacher? What do you need to know, have and understand in order to be a better music teacher?

This article will highlights a handful of points that will help every music teacher improve their teaching.

As a teacher you must be deliberate about teaching critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving to all students. c


  • Be friendly with the students, appreciate the kind of music they have to offer before teaching them yours.
  • Try to study the individual behaviour of your students and do not to judge them.
  • Let them feel special.
  • Let them understand they are all unique and important.
  • Know their names and ask about their holidays.
  • Take a keen interest in developing your students’ music skills.
  • Be friendly and disciplined at the same time.
  • Teach them how to appreciate good music through listening.
  • If possible, use their names to sing different tunes.
  • Let them see the passion you have for music.
  • Tell them a little story about yourself and relate it to your music life.

Let them tell you what they want to do before you incorporate yours. Before You Know it, you will gain all their attentions.

Teach, by introducing them to Rhythm, Pulse, Sounds and Time signature. Let them Know the importance of music in the society.

Research conducted shows classical music accounts for merely 1.4 percent of music sales in the world.

Ask about their favourite musician. Tell them to do a project on their favourite musician.

21st Century Music Education

21st Century school music education should be about students learning how to make their own Music.

For a good teacher no amounts of success is enough he become a mental health issue for a teacher you better pray that you believe you are failing on Daily basis because if you don’t believe you are failing you are not paying attention but more importantly it become a mental Health issue for you but if you don’t think you can do a better job tomorrow than today then you will end up blaming the Kids.

Dylan William

Caring for students is the most effective, powerful and inspiring way of teaching. This can be achieved by getting the students’ attention through motivation; Praise them publicly as this will make them feel important. Ensure you teach them morals as well.

As a music teacher you need to be enthusiastic about listening to good music. Engage your students in the classroom by allowing them to choose, collaborate, communicate, critical think and be creative with all this I am optimistic you will gain their interests.

Also, as a music teacher you should transmit your genuine love and passion for the subject and for the students as well.

My humble opinion, ‘‘I am a servant’’ in the classroom to my students. I must be willing to provide a suitable solution and answers to all their music problems and question.


1. Maintain good communication skills

2. Getting Students Engagement

3. Have a good sense of humour

4. Act don’t React

5. Be clear and precise in your instructions

6. Give room to individualized learning

7. Positive Feed back

8. Involve Students in decision Making

9. Use peer Learning

10. Love your subject/job


My own philosophy of teaching becomes my problem and challenge when am teaching and my Students don’t understand. Also am their ‘‘servant in class’’ is just what l propounded in my teaching career.

  • I create a music using each student’s name, and I use it in the classroom.
  • Never underestimate your students.
  • Respect and believes in your students.
  • Encourage a forgiving atmosphere.
  • Don’t be too serious.
  • Appraise their personality and musical set up.
  • Involve them in learning.
  • Don’t compare students, each child have potential and something to offer.
  • Talk about discipline, commitment, and lateness to class.
  • Contribute to students’ learning through listening to good music and add value to their social life.
  • Be more effective than efficient.
  • Managing your time wisely.
  • As a teacher you need to know how to mentor your student.
  • As a teacher you must be flexible no two individual student is the same.

The teacher must understand the subject matter from the perspective of the student. You need to care about student success don’t be afraid to be challenged, embrace student learning by coming to their level, a good teacher Know how to bring out the best in his students, a teacher is one who get the most out of the lessons and true teacher is a learner as a teacher remember you cannot teach the way you are taught 20 years ago be yourself, find your strength, don’t loose your temper we should not be too quick to judge our students.


As a music teacher, your skills on your instrument is not all that matters alone. You must have good relationship with your students.

A teacher is like a parent to the student who is supposed to be a role model for the student.

1. A great music teacher loves to teach and loves to learn. You can learn a lot from your students if you are open to learning.
2. A great teacher help students if they notice a struggle.
3. A great teacher is humble before the students. They do not assume they are custodian of all the skills and knowledge..
4. Good teacher relays feedback.
5. Great teachers evaluates themselves.
6. Great teachers understands the students learning styles – My teaching is so important to me. The main priority is the student, whether they are learning or not. If I perceive they are not, I have to change my methodology to suit the students’ learning styles.

Being a graduate of music does not make you a good teacher of the subject if you are not trained teacher. Teaching is beyond cramming and coming to class to bamboozle the pupils.

Teachers should spend their time not teaching alone but also being a role model and mentors to students under their care.

As a teacher, it is interesting to know that initially, I wasn’t patient enough because of the behaviour of my students, but later l got to understand each students. I learnt patience and my passion for the students and subject that I teach. I do not have any regret being a music teacher, l am really happy to become one.

Article by Shosanya Babatunde

Shosanya Babatunde is a Choir Master and Organist. He holds
M.A (Music Edu), M.A (Theory/Composition), B. Sc (Hons), P.G.D.E (Music Edu), P.G.D.E. (NTI) Dip. Music, I.G.C.S.E Music Examiner.

1 Comment
  1. Yaya, Olusegun O 4 years ago

    This is great. More of it, please.

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